TD Shepherd Strategic Advisors –

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We are pleased to announce that TD Shepherd acts as the strategic advisor to to support the capital raise. is an AI-based technology startup founded in Germany in 2022, which brings forth automated, AI-powered transportable laboratories for quantitative analysis of air samples to detect mold spores, pollen, soot & others. This cutting-edge technology solution will make a real impact in the world of immediate air quality analysis.
As strategic advisors, TD Shepherd is working closely with to identify and implement new strategies which will help to expand their reach and succeed in fundraising. Our deep tech experts define and manage the fundraising process forward all the way to the term sheet and shareholders agreement.
From determining the ambition to completing all the preparations necessary to start a financing round, we provide valuable support and guidance to the team to achieve their goals and establish/ strengthen their position in the market.
TD Shepherd has a proven track record of success in helping deep tech startups like reach their full potential.  We are excited about this partnership with and look forward to taking the project to new heights.

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