a crowd of attendees at the event

Découvrez nos derniers événements

Découvrez les événements technologiques mondiaux auxquels TD Shepherd a prévu de participer. Si vous souhaitez vous rencontrer en personne, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à l’adresse info@tdshepherd.com, directement par courrier électronique ou via LinkedIn.

Événements à venir

banner features details about TD Shepherd visits to German deep-tech ecosystem
event banner featuring the CASSINI Event
banner featuring the InnovationQuarter event
A diverse crowd attentively listens to a presentation at the HTGF family day event.
participants at collision event stand on the stage
eurosatory event featured banner

Événements passés

a banner featuring ISSCC logo
a banner featuring FCAS Accelerator logo
Attendees engaging in discussions at a CSC event
image of a conference hall at Chipstart UK event
attendees gathered at Slush event, networking and engaging in conversations
attendees at hardtech venturelab event
High Tech Venture Days event venue entrance
A group photo including TD Shepherd team at Space Investment Day 2023
Group photo taken at a collision event
Deep Tech Connect 2023 event conference hall
banner featuring GSA logo
Attendees engaging in discussions at HTGF Family Day 2023 event
a conference hall at EDA event
a banner featuring Hardtech venturelab logo
High Tech Venture Days roll-up mockups by year
silicon catalyst logo
future summit logo

Prenez contact avec nous


Computerweg 22
3542 DR Utrecht
The Netherlands

+31 6 18461660LinkedIn